Thursday 9 March 2017

The lakes of Baringo and Bogario which lies almost the same altitude are both rift valley lakes. The fascinating landscape and presence of different species of birds makes one want to go back to the place again and again. While Baringo is a fresh water lake, Bogario is alkaline in nature with geysers and mineral spas for you to engage in. These two lakes lie about 350km away from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. One can see vast plantations of sisal trees as you travel through this region. Another fascinating sight is the flamingos that throng the Bogario lake in a large number. At times, they migrate to another lake in Kenya- The Nakuru lake in search of Algae found here.  Other than these birds you can also find hot geysers or springs where people even boil eggs!
The Baringo lake lies 20km away from Bogario. It is one of those incredibly desolate and beautiful landscapes-  a breathtaking sight especially at dawn from the Soi Safari Lake. One can find many springs in the island that lies in the Baringo lake. Almost 470 varieties of birds are supposed to be found here. A boat ride in the lake to watch these birds is a must if you visit Baringo. Next to the lake you can find a snake park which has pythons, cobras, black mamba and son on. Fishing is the main occupation of the natives known as the Njemps.They use traditional ambuch boats to move around and catch fish. Another occupation is bee rearing and honey collection.
 Equator crossing is a delightful affair here. A cup of water and a stick is used to demonstrate and prove that the equator lies here. It is said the wind blows in different directions in northern and southern hemispheres. The climatic changes has brought in unexpected rain in the region and has also resulted in the disappearance of many springs here. IF you are interested in adventurous excursions, this is the place for you.


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