Tuesday 7 March 2017

Thai Pai is Taiwan capital city. It's one of the top tourist centre in the world. In Thaipey city, near Lux there is a park, during evening many come over here to spend time. The government has created a very good park over here. It has got good play area for kids, a club for adults, neat and tidy public toilet, and facilities for exercise. Entry is free. Park is formed in such a way that it attracts tourists. Park is paved with cement tiles. But these cement tiles has got one speciality, at its joint area, it has small slot like spacing which allows rain water to sweep downwards. It's a well planned setup, it's known as air conditioning water guiding pavement demonstration system. Even though Taiwan is an island, and it's so close to river bodies and ocean, still they have measures to harvest rain water. Rain water that falls down, drain down into the earth, some amount of it is filtered and utilised for watering plants.
The benefits of this system is explained

To water plants, to extinguish fire in case of emergency.
Increases air circulation in soil, regulates temperature and humidity.
This way air becomes pure.
Water sweeping into the soil helps in increasing underground water level.
Waste water can be eliminated.


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